Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Welcome friend! My desire for this blog is that it would be an encouragement to other women who are on this amazing, crazy, messy, imperfect, chaotic, miraculous roller coaster of a Beautiful Ride of Mommyhood. No sugar coating here! :)

Who am I? First I am a daughter of the King saved by grace through Jesus Christ. Secondly I am the wife to my amazing God given husband who is my hero. He is my best friend and I love living life with him. He is an amazing provider for our family and very much a hands on Daddy. (Which includes playing princess and letting the girls put make up on him then forgetting he had make up on and going out of the house. He really was beautiful! Hehe!) He makes me laugh and keeps me sane when life gets crazy with four little ones. Third I am Mommy to our four amazing little blessing God has given us. Three beautiful daughters and a handsome new son. I love my little crew!

I love being crafty (though I'm not very good at it...yet), cooking and baking yummy treats, thrifting and getting a good bargain, exercising, and lot of things health related. Ooh and dark chocolate. (Hey, don't judge :) I love turning on praise and worship music, opening the windows and making a hot cup of special coffee on a particularly challenging okay down right hard and ugly day. (Your not the only one that has those days!) I love doTERRA essential oils and use them with my family daily. I love to teach other moms how to take control of their family's health and provide them with natural solutions.

I am a homeschooling mama and most of the time it feels like the most heartening and rewarding thing. On the not so good days I want to lock myself in a closet with some dark chocolate and hide from the kids. (But you know they would smell it and find me.)

I most certainly don't have it all together and God is continuously working on me, breaking me and molding me. I'm excited to see where He takes me next. Raising babies and being a helpmate to our husbands is no small task. I hope you will stick around and laugh with me, cry with me (okay please don't really unless it is a happy cry) and support and encourage one another on this Beautiful Ride of Mommyhood.    

I am SO glad YOU are here! 
